Monday, May 28, 2007

What's your Networth

Luke 12:15
And Jesus said… “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses

I read this yesterday evening and almost did a double take. If I wasn’t sure this was a direct word from Jesus’ lips I would have glossed it over and turned to the next page. Rather, I kept my finger on that page, closed the bible and stepped into thought land.

I would have thought otherwise, a person’s life does seem to consist of the things we have.

Don’t we wake up in the morning, with one thought in our heads of how we are going to make more money; build a new house; buy that classy car or get that new job? And once we achieve that level don’t we begin to desire the next salary raise, a better car, a larger house, the latest mobile phone. Don’t we respect those who display abundance of wealth without any regard for how they made it? Don’t we cut down on church fellowship and daily bible study because our work demands more of our attention? Don’t Christians sometimes lie, cheat and stab a close friend for the sake of some more ‘possessions’.

This is underscored by the story of a young man who decided to leave his lucrative joy and follow God’s clear leading into full-time Ministry. His Mother could not shed enough tears. She felt that in spite of her prayers her husband’s family had finally gotten through to her son’s star!
The way we go about it, it does seem that the more we possess, the more life we have. The more money the more power; and power can be sweet..

If the value of our lives is not based on the things we possess as Jesus said, then what should our daily priorities be? Should we take another look at how to calculate our networth?

What do you, think? I'll like to hear your views

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Best Offering

Imagine that you have the option of a Fatty Lamb without Blemish and a basket of fruit. You decide to give an offering to the Lord and you wonder which one….

That was the dilemma that Cain and Abel faced in chapter 4 of the book of Genesis. Cain did give the basket of Fruit and Abel gave the lamb without blemish.

God accepted Abel’s offering which was made up of the firstborn of his flock and their fat; but rejected Cain’s offering of fruit.

How can we know the will of God? How do we take decisions that will please him?

It is instructive to know that about 2000 years later in Lev chapter 1-3, God gave detailed instructions on the type of offering acceptable to him. You guessed right - The flock and the fat: V.16 specifically says – all the fat belongs to the Lord.

How did Abel know, even before the law was given?

I think it had to do with his heart. His heart was right and he wanted to please God regardless of his desires or what anyone thought.

Cain’s first and only consideration was himself.

The follow up events prove this. When Cain’s sacrifice was rejected, he was angry and at the first opportunity he killed Abel and became the first murderer on the earth. So obviously, there was a problem with his heart and his desires.

Beyond the actual sacrifice God looks at the heart. What you have left after you have given is more important than how much you give. God loves a cheerful giver rather than a grumbling giver.

Are you agonising over a decision, you just don't know what to do. When our heart is right we become open to hearing and receiving His instructions on what to do and what decision to take. Especially if our whole desire is to do His will not ours.

Keep On Living For Him

Elizabeth and Zachariah had obviously given up hope of having a baby. She was probably about 60yrs and so what was the point of continuing to believe.

But they both kept on loving God and living blamelessly for Him. Zachariah diligently kept at his priestly duties. And one day God showed up while he was serving. God's angel came in Lk 1:13 and said:

"Do not be afraid, Zachariah, for your prayer is heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son..."

And 9 months later, they did have a baby.

The key lesson to learn here is that God is not limited by the passing of time. As we diligently do his work, he will surely reward and we can keep on believing that He is able and willing to do exceedingly more than we can ever ask or think.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do not let impossibilities intimidate you

And with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1: 37.

I believe the tense of this quote is deliberate. It is a word for those who believe that the era of the miraculous ended with the bible days. But this word gives us a reason to believe that today, tomorrow and all through my future, God can make impossibilities possible.

Are you faced with one?

The first step is to believe. Where you have lost hope, turn this simple verse over in your mind a million times. Next is to give God our attention. This generation is so distracted, its unbelievable. Evidence has shown that those who receive miracles are those who take the time to look towards him. Maybe that is another reason why we don't see the much of the miraculous today; many of us are too busy.

God is real and His power is real for you; even today!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Power in God's Word

I have been planning to do this for a long time but thank God's it's starting today. On this blog I will be sharing with you whatever God speaks to my heart as I listen day by day.

The bible is so deep and vast that one life time is definitely not enough for one person to get it all... So we don't have a choice but to work as a team.

See you tomorrow