Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Want a Promotion?

If you want true promotion; I mean the kind that will assist you to fulfil your God given dreams/ Vision, then it can only come from God.

For Promotion comes not from the East nor from the West nor from the south. But God is the judge, He puts down one and exalts another. Ps 75: 6-7.

Many of us look to men - a friend, a boss, a Godfather for promotion. But I heard something recently that changed my view on this.

Hardly will you find a person who will promote you above himself. Therefore If you put all your trust in a person, then you have just placed a natural limitation on how far you can go.

God can take a man from the dungeon of nothingness to the limelight of glory. I remember now that my very first profitable job was by divine intervention. On resumption, someone was quick to tell me about one of the women on the interview panel who fought everyone else and insisted i be employed. This was at a time when you couldn't get a job in that company unless you had a Godfather or Godmother!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Imitating God

Ephesians 5:1 – Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

We discussed this tall order of a scripture in teen’s church yesterday.

‘How can a mere man imitate God?’ was the question on everyone’s lips “He’s too Holy, Powerful, Glorious …”

But eventually we settled down to decode the scripture

1) First it is a commandment so it is possible. God will not command you to do something you cannot do…

2) “Dear Children” is at the end of the verse for a reason. We are called to walk in His steps just as a child does with the parents. True children don’t balk at being like their parents!

3) We have never seen him so how can we be like Him?” someone asked…. The answer is that he has revealed himself to us through
· The Bible
· What we have heard about him and
· Jesus …
4) “But we haven’t seen Jesus…,” someone else was quick to ask. “But we have read about him and we have full details of how he lived,” someone else was quick to answer.

5) And More importantly we have the Holy Spirit of God who is willing to live in us and – ; reveal God’s will, guide us into all truth and help us to live right.

6) The Christians in Antioch are a good example: They were so much like Jesus that they were called Christ-ians

Our Conclusion: We can pursue this commandment and live for God alone on a daily basis. We cannot do it by our strength alone, we depend on Him and the one who gave the commandment will also make it possible.

Stay Blessed

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Faith is ...

Faith is when you turn to God and tell him how big your mountain is.... Then you confidently, stand with God, turn to your mountain and tell it how big your God is.

Stay Blessed