Saturday, April 12, 2008


I remember the story of a man who lived a riotous life, with excess drinking, partying and womanizing. One day as he left his club at 2 a.m., barely sober, he got into his car and started the engine. Suddenly a dark demonic being appeared in the seat beside him and said, “I have come to take you, it’s time.” The man’s heart thumped erratically at the deep fear that filled him. But somehow he had the presence of mind to resist – “Noooooooo…..” he shouted and the demon suddenly disappeared.

The fear in his heart didn’t ease up and he knew that he had just seen death face to face. In the past he had jeered at his friends who shared the gospel of Christ with him; but suddenly he had an inkling that only Jesus could save him now. He drove to a nearby church and knelt in the empty hall where he gave his life to Jesus. He became a member of the Full Gospel Fellowship, where one day he shared this testimony.

As I heard his testimony, I wonder what would have happened to him, if he had kept silent.

Proverbs 18: 21 says “The Power of life and death is in the tongue. Life itself teaches that those who speak out get results.

I once had an experience which proved to me again that there is power in God’s word when we believe and speak it loud.

A young girl who lives with me fell sick at about 12midnight on a particular day. She vomited heavily and then collapsed on the floor. We panicked as we rushed her into the car and went in search of a hospital. My husband took the wheels and I sat in the back seat with her. Soon she became unconscious. I called her name and shook her but there was no response. A question crossed my mind… was she dying?

Then I knew what I had to do. I opened my mouth wide and spoke all the scriptures and promises of God I knew into her face.

“God’s word says, you will live and you will not die. You will live to declare God’s glory with your lips…..”

“No weapon of the enemy fashioned against you shall prosper….”

“The bible says I should resist the devil and he will flee. Every satanic presence or any spirit of death hovering around this girl; I command you to let her go in Jesus name and I command you to flee away.”

“God is a wall of fire round about you and the glory within you.

“By the stripes of Jesus Christ you are healed. Jesus took the stripes upon his back so that you can walk in health…”

On and on I went until we found a decent hospital that was accessible. I forced myself into the emergency room with the doctors. I watched the doctor as he used his stethoscope on her heart and I noticed that his expression became worried. He turned to me and asked again. “Are you sure she just fell ill this evening?”

I looked at her still body on the table and I placed my lips close to her right ear..I called her name and continued to speak as the doctors also worked on her.

“I say, according to God’s word that you will not die….”
“God’s word says that you are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Receive strength to live.
“You’ve always wanted to be a lawyer and you will become a lawyer in Jesus Name …
“ The Lord is right beside you now… he said, he will never leave you nor forsake you. …

Suddenly, from her unconscious state I heard her shout, “Yes!!! I believe!!!!”

I lifted up my head, looked into her face as her eyelids fluttered and heaved a sigh of relief. I gave glory to God. Later I heard the doctor who attended to her give a report to his Chief medical Officer, “We almost lost her heart beat….

She recovered and by the next afternoon she was discharged and we headed back home.

The word of God is strong and powerful. He created the world by His word and Hebrews 1:3 confirms that “His word contains his power.” If we could only believe and speak it out in faith…

Do you also have an experienced where God's word has worked for you powerefully, maybe you can share it here.

Stay blessed!!!



This was an inspiring piece. Thanks so much for sharing it. MyBloglog showed that you visited my Nigerian Curiosity site. Just wanted to say thanks for swinging by and feel free to come back anytime.

Anonymous said...

Truly, the Lord upholds all things by the His Word Hebrew 1 verse 3.